Galerie™ Fine silk

Galerie™ Fine silk

Company: Sappi
GALERIE FINE SILK - high-quality coated book and magazine paper with exceptional image quality that meets the highest requirements for print quality. The paper has high puffiness, stiffness and opacity and is perceived by touch as paper of higher density. Designed for magazines and catalogs for which the highest print quality is paramount. On this paper, images come to life before our eyes!

Scope of application

Exclusive luxury magazines, high-fashion magazines, high-quality catalogs, interior and design magazines, gastronomy magazines,
premium client publications, high-quality brochures, books with high print quality requirements

Printing recomendations

Printing Guidelines: Fogra 39 Printing Standard
Recommendations for max. TAC: 320%
Lineature: 60-80 L / cm
Suitable for all existing halftone technologies.
Processing: Before removing the outer packaging, allow the paper to acclimatize in the printing room. Packaging should only be removed if it is ready to print.