Перемотка и раскрой всех видов полиграфических материалов
We offer products from leading free foreign
manufacturers prompt replenishment.
We provide rewinding services. We invite you to cooperation!
Lumitex company has a full range of the most advanced equipment for cutting and rewinding hot and cold stamping foils.
Slitter Leonhard Kurz SD1620 (Germany)
Foil slitting and rewinding machine Starfoil SM1620 (Netherlands)
Slitter Jurmet WKGRS 1600 (Poland)
The capabilities of the equipment make it possible to produce rollers with a width of 5 mm to 1620 mm in 1 mm increments, winding from 1 m to 6000 m, rewinding can be done on 1 and 3 inch cores.
Rewinding and cutting of the foil is carried out from jumbo roles up to 1620 mm wide, winding up to 20,000 meters, having cores of 1, 3 and 6 inches. Such wide possibilities allow our customers to obtain foil in sizes ideally suited specifically for their production needs. At the same time, the technological waste of the material and the time costs of production are reduced to a minimum.
The foil rewinding and cutting section operates in two shifts, and if necessary without days off.
Orders are executed as soon as possible with factory quality.
The highest quality is ensured by our installed equipment of world class manufacturers in this field and highly qualified personnel.
Equipment operators were trained at Starfoil (Netherlands) and completed an internship at Double V (Russia).
Высокоскоростная компьютеризированная машина
для продольной резки и перемотки WZFQ
Встроенный датчик автоматического выравнивания полотна.
Максимальный формат намотки - 1600мм.
Максимальный диаметр намотки - 700мм.
Максимальная скорость намотки - 450м/с
Возможность намотки на втулки 2 и 3 дюйма